Tuesday, October 2, 2007

iPhone Unlocking

Using the original method from iphone.unlock.no -- that does not employ anySIM -- and anySIM method I have unlocked over 50 iPhones thus far.

I also bought a bricked iPhone from a random person off of craigslist. Why? Just for the heck of it. I can try to understand why Apple is intentionally rendering the unofficial, unauthorized unlocked phone useless after the update. What I don't understand is the angry crowd. We all got the warnings. We knew it would happen. Yet we still went ahead with the update. Anyway, I was able to resurrect the bricked iPhone; but of course not the calling feature. Still waiting for that.

In the mean time, I am still playing with the paralyzed iPhone. I have added several interesting apps from the community source. Gotta love the community source!!!

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