Saturday, November 3, 2007

Even Quicker iPhone (with FW 1.1.1) Unlock

This method only works with a brand new iPhone with firmware version 1.1.1 (for now).

Definite requirement: A reliable WiFi Connection!

I used the follow steps and got a brand new iPhone unlocked in about 12 minutes!

  1. In the Activate Iphone Screen Scroll so you can get to the dialer pad
  2. Type: *#307# and press call
  3. You Phone will Ring Answer it (If you don't get the Answer screen, Delete *#307#, type 0 (zero) and press call again)
  4. Press hold
  5. Your phone will ring again but this time decline the call, this will send you to the Contacts Screen
  6. Add a new contact:
    • Click on the First Last box, enter a name, then click Save
    • Click on the Add new URL box, add "prefs://1F", then click Save
    • Click on the Add another URL box, add "", then click Save
    • Click Save to save new contact
    This will show you the new contact with the 2 new URLs
  7. Tap "prefs://1F" (this will send u to the Settings screen)
  8. Select Your WiFi Connection and leave your phone there for 1 minute or 2 to ensure that you indeed are connected to the Wi-Fi network (the Wi-Fi symbol shows up). To verify that you have obtained a legitimate IP address, click on the right arrow of the network name. You should see 192.168.x.x -- because you are connected to a LAN. If you see any other IP address, you may need to abandon the network and try to connect again.
  9. While you are at the Settings screen, click on General to set the Auto Lock time to "Never"
  10. Press the Home button to take you back to the Activation screen, dial 0 (zero) and press the call button to bring up the Answer screen, click Answer.
  11. Click Hold and the phone will ring again, click on Decline, and the contact Screen is displayed again
  12. Tap your contact, and select the URL2
  13. Scroll down, and hit "Install AppSnapp". After a few seconds, Safari should disappear, and pop you back to the Home screen --- you should see the "Slide for Emergency" prompt
  14. Wait patiently for a minute or longer--don't touch anything until the phone restarts and pops you back to the Slide to Unlock screen
  15. Slide to unlock, and will be installed on your iPhone
  16. Once jailbroken and activated, you can run installer updated it-in Sources tap click Edit then add
  17. Refresh sources
  18. Install BSD Subsystem (this takes a few minutes to complete!!!)
  19. Under Unlocking Tools folder, install YouTube Activation
  20. Under Unlocking Tools folder, install AnySIM
  21. Restart Phone, check youtube
  22. Run AnySIM (does not matter which SIM card is in the phone, however, to be safe, I always use the non-AT&T SIM card)
  23. After AnySIM completes its task (Successfully, hopefully), restart iPhone and Uninstall AnySIM

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